Several people ask «Will there be an iOS version of the Trufi App?»
The good thing is «Yes, there will be an iOS version available soon!»
We can even show it already!
Our developer Natalya made a nice video that you can see here on the right side. It shows the Trufi App in action in the iPhone simulator.
As you can see it looks the same like in Android so for all of you with an Android and an iPhone, you can switch easily without learning anything new. 😉
We benefit here from using the flutter framework which allows our developers to create the Android and the iOS part with the same code. Therefore (almost) every feature we implement will be available for both platforms at the same time.
So, why can’t you download the version yet?
The only reason is that we first need to finish the founding of the Trufi association in Germany. Afterwards we can use the right account for the Apple App Store to publish the iOS version.
Sadly this may take some more weeks but we do our best to do it as fast we can to provide the iOS version as soon as possible!
The Trufi App Team
Looking forward to the IOS release! As a Bolivian web app developer I am proud to see mobile apps help the community. An app like this is much needed since Google Maps won’t support public transportation in Cochabamba anytime soon. Would be nice to see a list of all available ‘trufis’ and have a map of their individual routes as well. Good work!
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for your feedback!
The iOS version is available now.
Your requested feature to show all available routes is already on our list.